uploads/minor planet.jpg

minor planet 【天文學】小行星。

minor premise

In addition to choosing the zoom level , you can now also select on what position the zoomed image section is centered ( you can select the position of the minor planet in any of the three images , or alternatively , center on the fixed asteroid ) , and set the blinking frequency 除了可以選擇放大倍率之外,你還可以設置第幾張圖片中得移動目標位于居中位置(你可以選擇三張圖片中的任意一張中的小行星位置,或是讓小行星不動) ,同樣也可以設置動畫的頻率。

The values specified in this section are used by the software to recognize objects ( stars , minor planets , or comets ) in your ccd frames , and to distinguish these real objects from false detections or image artefacts 在本部分設置的值將被用于軟件在你拍攝的ccd圖片中來鑒別目標(如:恒星、小行星或彗星) ,從而來與錯誤的識別及圖片鬼影相區別。

But in planetary science , we all accept that a minor planet is not a planet too . while in english we can replace minor planet with asteroid , there is no such a replacement in chinese 為避免混亂,在英文名詞中,不用minorplanet還有asteroid一詞可用,但在中文中除了小行星一詞外則別無他選。

Concentrated between mars and jupiter float thousands of what scientists call minor planets , or asteroids , which are chunks of rocks of size ranging from a few metres to a thousand kilometres 在火星和木星的軌道之間,漂浮著數以千計大小不一,直徑數米至數百公里的小行星。

To date , with the aid of powerful telescopes , more than 8 , 000 minor planets have been catalogued , with perhaps 50 , 000 await future sightings 迄今,藉著大口徑望遠鏡的協助,已有逾8 , 000顆小行星被發現及編號,而未被發現的小行星更可能多達50 , 000顆。

It is also used for the difference between the observed position of an object ( minor planet or comet ) and the position calculated from an orbit 該術語也用于描述觀測的某天體(小行星或彗星)的位置與軌道計算值之間的差別。

There are nine major planets : mercury , venus , earth , mars , jupiter , saturn , uranus , neptune and pluto , and many minor planets 太陽系有九大行星:水星金星地球火星木星土星天王星海王星和冥王星。

The first minor planet , ceres , was found less than two hundred years ago , by the italian monk and astronomer , giuseppe piazzi 約200年前,首顆小行星谷神星由意大利修士兼天文學家皮亞齊發現。

The first minor planet , ceres , was found less than two hundred years ago , by the italian monk and astronomer , giuseppe piazzi 約200年前,首顆小行星谷神星由意大利修士兼天文學家皮亞發現。

Apart from the major planets , there are asteroids or minor planets , comets and many other things in our solar system 在太陽系中,除了九大行星外,還有很多好像小行星彗星等小成員。

Minor planet ida ( 243 ) is the first asteroid in the solar system found to possess an orbiting satellite (圖左)小行星243號依達是太陽系第一顆被發現擁有衛星的小行星。

The minor planet … please find the minimum possible value of the eccentricity of the asteroid ' s orbit 此句可否換個說法: “請給出這顆小行星可能的最小的軌道離心率數值。 ”

Left minor planet ida is the first asteroid in the solar system found to possess an orbiting satellite 圖左小行星243號依達是太陽系第一顆被發現擁有衛星的小行星。

When marsden began studying minor planets , “ nobody cared about asteroids 馬斯登開始研究小行星時,沒有人注意這些東西,它們被視為天空的害蟲。